- City Hall: 580-323-0217
- Chamber of Commerce: 580-323-2222
- Frisco Conference Center: 580-323-7874
- Utilities: 580-323-0217
- Public Works: 580-323-1678
- Police: 580-323-2323
- Fire: 580-323-2298
Safe Drinking Water for All
Lead-Safe Clinton is a program by the City of Clinton Utilities Department to ensure the safety and compliance of the City's water system under the EPA's lead and copper requirements. The program focuses on identifying, managing and reducing potential lead exposure through a comprehensive service line inventory, public outreach and ongoing monitoring.
Service lines are small-diameter water pipes that connect a public water system to a home or building.
(For demonstration purposes only and not to scale. Graphic represents a typical scenario for a property but does not represent all scenarios. Individual service lines may differ in length and connection to property.)
Our commitment is to keep customers informed and protected, and to safeguard public health for all the communities we serve.
If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and a building's internal plumbing.
Under Oklahoma law, and the City’s Municipal Code, the City is responsible for the public side of the service line and the property owner is responsible for the private side of the service line.
As a provider of drinking water to more than just the local community, we do the following to reduce the risk of lead exposure in drinking water.